Friday, November 9, 2007

First Post : The End

I am an Architect from Sri Lanka (the frikin paradise isle) and my blog posts will be mainly focused from this view point.

If one isn’t honest to oneself then that person has failed in life. At least that is my belief. I believe in a lot of things. I believe that I am not 100% correct. Not even close to perfection nor do I strive to. Basically perfection or being correct isn’t on my priority list. I am me and my opinions are my own. I have the right to have them, nurture them, fondle them, cuddle them, have twisted sexual fantasies on them (metaphorically of course) express them and maybe even commercialize them.

The following posts are my thoughts, my ideals and my aspirations rolled together with tarter sauce and vinegar. Add a little bit of lime and the essence of sarcasm if you must to get a tingly feeling down your belly button. If your not twisted [which I will get to on a later post.] and basically is a right winged one nosed uptight pain in the firkin what not’s you shouldn’t probably be reading this.
So good riddance.